The story 1001 nights | The Night to 591 ~ Syharazan again continued he said. . . .
After several times went round, I had finally found a lake that was located to one of the sides foot the mountain that was gotten to this island.
Suddenly my heart gulped tight when I saw to the foundation of the lake. Not in caused his water that was so clear and appeared refreshing, but because I saw that his tar the foundation of the lake was received many jewels and various scattered precious stone sorts were proper for the gravel and around the same lake often was found by me gold and sparkling silver.
And before the surprise was straightened by me true was lost, I came back in startled on the discovery of the spring that issued Amber on the other hand resulting from heat of the sun so as he could shed to the side of sea. Ut. And when reaching sea. Amber then again froze.
The friend of my friend most were the merchants certainly will not eliminate the opportunity and immediately gathered totalling possibly Amber without think about how they to be able to leave the island.
After tired explored the amazing island, I also again gathered with the friend of my friend in the coast. Ai.
How many people among us began to be worried if evidently we could not leave the island. Because despite the island, in filled various valuable sorts of the thing thing but we more worried food supplies that were owned by us was finished, in fact did not yet have the ship that through to be able to be occupied by us then significant that could be carried out by us only was kept being waiting to die. Ti.
Day by day passed by. One by one my friend died till finally their number only remained at several people then. My situation and several people of my friend who still was living also in fact also was not better than them who died, because all of us suffered as a result of being hungry that squeezed because although the island that was occupied by us was filled with various valuable things, but all that could in no way bounce our stomach that was hungry.
And what was frightened by me had finally been correctly true happened, when I must bury the friend of my friend who was last died. The world. Arrive arrived I felt jealous of them who died before, because although dying, but at least their body was treated suitably after they died. Al. Unlike me who did not know whoever will bury the body after I will die later.
The morning came again Syahrazad stopped he said…
4 Responses to “The story 1001 nights | the Night to 591”
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mampir sob tuker link n follow jg sob
hELLO! Thanks for the visit.
Dropping by to return the favor. Thanks for the visit! Enjoy your weekend.
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